Sunday, March 4, 2007


Ergogenic is a term used by exercise physiologist to describe nutritional supplements that can enhance athletic performance. Generally, athletes, coaches and governing bodies think of "ergogenic" as illegal or some sort of banned substance. However there is more to enhancing performance than one may think.

From the Greek words ergon ("work") and gennan ("to produce") ergogenic is actually anything that enhances performance or recovery so that you may exercise again sooner. The most effective (legal) ergogenic aids are also the most common and most over looked. The ones we accept as so basic to the sport that we seldom think of them as supplements at all.

These most basic and most neglected ergogenic aids are found in your own home and in your local grocery store. They are rest and diet. These play such an important role in your performance, however they are often not taken seriously enough by endurance athletes.

It is a common misconception that exercise in and of itself is what increases fitness. While the workouts are a very important part advancing fitness, its only the start. The way you gain fitness is through your body's responses and over-compensation after a hard workout.

So, if your diet and recovery are lacking you will not fully absorb your workouts. You will not only short yourself of performance gains, but you will not be fully rested to enter your next workout and therefore will get even less out of that and subsequent workouts.

Most of us know we need to rest well. However, in my experience with cyclist, diet is often very lacking. American diets are awful, they are highly processed and refined. Not only does the standard American diet lack important nutrients, it is full of harmful ingredients. What is more, the government recommended diet (the Food Pyramid) is dead wrong and is the exact opposite of the way endurance athletes should eat.

Do yourself a favor, examine your recovery and diet techniques. They are the 2 best ergogenic aids available to you. I recommend The Paleo Diet for Athletes by Cordain and Friel available online. It is perhaps the best thing you will do for your training all year.

For more info, or if you need help with your training and racing feel free to contact me.

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