Sunday, February 22, 2009

Where do you get your information?

This is the question I got from one of my Athletes earlier in the week. I thought it was a good question to post about. First of all, this Athlete is a nutritionist and the question was geared toward that. She has been constantly amazed that despite her former schooling, I have been able to give her great nutrition and supplement advice for years now. Stuff they don't teach you in the class room.

First let me say that an 'expert" has all of the answers, a "professional" knows where to GET all of the answers. I would call myself a mix of the two. I know quite a bit when it comes to nutrition and what I don't know, I know who to ask.

So where have I learned all of this valuable nutrition information? Well, from a few places. Mainly experience, but also from a ton of reading, seminars and apprenticeships under other VERY experienced coaches and Athletes. Its no secret I am a BIG fan of the Paleo diet, so big in fact it seems other coaches in the area are know jumping on that band wagon as well. I have added my own variations to that diet however that will remain top secret. I have quite a bit of experience with female athletes and the deficiencies they almost always have, my experience with them has taught me what foods and supplements work best for them.

The network I have built over the years with some world renowned "experts" also keeps me up to date on nutrition. I read a ton, all of the new studies, and experiment on myself. Once a year I attend a sports nutrition seminar (that will remain a secret) that has proved extremely valuable in staying on top of nutrition.

Nutrition is a KEY component of your do you get your information?

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