Thursday, January 18, 2007

I am officially a nerd...

Welcom to the PCC blog. I have been down with a bad cold for the last few weeks and a bit bored, so i felt the urge to goof off. Plus i think we (PCC athletes and friends) need a place to rant. For the most part i will try to be civil and decent, but please, take everything i say in stride. Its hard to be serrious all of the time.

I wanted to create a place where everyone could share thier thoughts on whatever, but specifically cycling, racing and training. So feel free to comment away. Use this as an opportunity to get together for rides or beers and get to know your fellow PCC'ers better.

I know all of you in the NE are freezing right now, I feel for you. Here in NC its gotten down into the 30's finally and after 3 months of 50's to 70's it feels really cold, although its not that bad.

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